Our Services
We offer primary pediatric care for children from birth through adolescence, whether your child is sick, needs shots or a check-up.
Primary Care
We offer primary pediatric care for children from birth through adolescence, whether your child is sick, needs a check-up and/or shots.
Keep your child up to date on immunizations ( vaccines/ shots).
Support children with chronic illnesses like Asthma and ADHD.
Assist with behavioral healthcare needs. I work closely with Dell Medical School.
Full medical exam performed by doctor.
Hearing and vision screening.
School/college forms.
Strep screens, Flu Tests, Mono screens, Urine test, Blood Sugar, nebulizer, Zofran, Decadron.
Newborn Hospital Care
Welcome to Parenthood ! We are dedicated to helping new parents enjoy a happy and healthy life.
✓ During the newborn’s examination , Dr. Deshpande will complete a full examination and be able to answer any questions you may have.
✓ Answers any questions about breastfeeding and lactation.
✓ Provide appropriate guidance to our new mothers regarding development, feeding, sleep and safety
Prenatal visit, “Meet & Greet” is complimentary. We encourage all expectant mothers to schedule a prenatal office visit to learn about our services for your imminent new family member.
On Medical staff at:
✓ St. David’s North Austin Medical Center
✓ Ascension Seton Northwest
✓ St. David’s Round Rock Community Hospital
✓ Main St. David’s downtown
✓ Main Seton downtown
Well Child Check Ups
We follow the recommendations of American Academy of Pediatricians guidelines for periodic check-ups of your child to screen for medical and developmental issues. Regular Well-child checkups help your children develop and grow into healthy teens and young adults.
Most Well Child visits are completely covered by the Insurance Company.
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Things you can expect during Well-child visit are:
Physical Examinations
Growth and Development tracking
Nutrition and Physical Fitness information
Immunization updates
Prevention of illness
A well-care visit is an ideal opportunity for parents to raise questions and concerns about your child’s health, development, behavior, and overall well-being.
From 3-5 days after the baby is born to the teenage years.
Well Visit Schedule
After newborn is discharged from hospital
2 week old
2 months old
4 months old
6 months old
9 months old
12 months old
15 months old
18 months old
2 years old
2 & ½ years old
3 years old
4 years old
& every year thereafter
Behavioral Health
✓ Autism
✓ ADHD , Anxiety / depression disorders
✓ Learning disabilities, Academic problems, Intellectual disability
Breast Feeding Consult
Dear Mom, Congratulations on your decision to breast feed.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding until your baby’s 6 month birthday and up to 1 year of age or longer in addition to solid foods.
Mothers breasts have been under control of hormones to make the early milk that has been present since the end of your pregnancy. The early milk is called colostrum and may be thick, yellow or clear and is only about 1 teaspoon (5-7ml) in quantity. It is just enough volume for your baby’s very tiny stomach (about the size of a shooter marble). New-Mom’s breasts now depend on the baby suckling to change colostrum to milk for your baby (or a pump if your baby is unable to suckle).
What to Expect in 2-24 hours:
✓ Your baby will be alert immediately after birth and will be looking to feed with in the first 1-2 hours.
✓ As baby sucks the milk, the volume increases gradually.
✓ Your baby may feed a few times initially
✓ Offer breast feeding when ever baby shows signs of hunger.
Here are some questions you might be asked.
✓ Does your baby feed at least 8 times in 24 hours?
✓ Is your baby having at least 2-3 stools per day?
It is wise to immunize. I will take care of newborns, infants & children to honor the parents concerns if parents decide not to immunize, to immunize later or on a different schedule.
We do our very best to make the process comfortable for your child. We are open to discuss any concerns or questions parents have about vaccination. Remember vaccines protect your child against vaccine-preventable diseases. Discuss with us to ensure your child receives the vaccine protection he or she deserves
Detailed information about each immunization is available on the CDC’s Vaccination Information Sheets online at